These webinar recordings are available for anyone to purchase. Please check the public course listing if you'd prefer to attend a live event. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Analysis of consumer data - C01 - Basic stats refresher

Remote training

Virtual option available

This course is a pre-recorded session and is a refresher for analysis of consumer research data

Analysis of consumer data - C02 - Considerations when planning your study

Remote training

Virtual option available

This course is a pre-recorded session and is a refresher for the Statistical analysis of consumer data course series.

Analysis of consumer data - C1 - Liking scale data - are my products liked differently? (On Demand)

Remote training

Virtual option available

Comparing data distributions, are mean scores detected as different? This course is an on demand version, not a live session. Details of the live session are on the website under 'Public courses'

Analysis of consumer data - C2 - Key drivers analysis & simple modelling - what product attributes most impact consumer acceptance? (On Demand)

Remote training

Virtual option available

Measuring and modelling relationships between variables. This course is not a live session, but an on demand recording with workshops and data for you to download

Analysis of consumer data - C3 - Mapping products and visualising relationships between many variables using maps (PCA) (On Demand)

Remote training

Virtual option available

Principal components analysis for visualising product differences over many variables. This course is not a live session, it is a recorded on demand session, with course materials to download

Analysis of consumer data - C4 - Who wants what? Clustering consumers using their product liking data (On Demand)

Remote training

Virtual option available

Data requirements and pre-processing. The two main techniques, Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) and K-Means Clustering explained and compared. This course is not a live session - it is on demand

Analysis of consumer data - C5 - Improving & understanding your cluster solution to make better decisions (On demand)

Remote training

Virtual option available

Data quality checking for non discriminators, order effects, identifying outliers and non conformers, internal preference mapping. This course is an on demand version, not a live session.

Analysis of consumer data - C6 - Who likes what? Demographic segmentation of product acceptability (On Demand)

Remote training

Virtual option available

Do different demographics like different products? Are my liking clusters defined by demographics? On demand version!

Analysis of consumer data - C7 - Analysing "Just About Right" (JAR) scales for product optimisation (On demand)

Remote training

Virtual option available

Do my products differ by JAR scale? Do these diagnostics impact liking? Watch our on demand training and join in with the workshops in your own time

Analysis of consumer data - Module C8 - Using categorical variables to drive insights using correspondence analysis (CA) mapping (On Demand)

Remote training

Virtual option available

How the technique works, interpretation of maps etc Watch our on demand training and join in with the workshops in your own time

Analysis of consumer data - C9 - Using "Check All That Apply" (CATA) scales to understand consumer product choices (On Demand)

Remote training

Virtual option available

Which CATA questions discriminate between sample? Visualising product difference in the CATA space using correspondence analysis.

Analysis of consumer data - C10 - Other scales, comparing products using "Rate All That Apply" (RATA), ranking and proportion data (On Demand)

Remote training

Virtual option available

Comparing product performance using percentage measures and Rate all that apply (RATA). Watch the video in our on demand training and join in with the workshops in your own time.

Conjoint Analysis using XLSTAT - access to recording of live session

Remote training

Virtual option available

This short course delivered online will help sensory and consumer scientists to understand how statistical techniques will improve the efficiency and outcomes of their choice experiments.

Discrimination Webinar (access to recording only)

Webinar recording

This webinar helps sensory and consumer scientists to decide which discrimination tests to consider based on their objectives and how to analyse the data obtained.

Sensory Methodologies Webinar (access to recording only)

Webinar recording

In this seminar Thierry Worch discusses and compares the 12 most common methods for analysing sensory and consumer data.

Bayesian Networks Webinar (Access to recording only)

Webinar recording

Do you want to understand how you could use Bayesian Networks? Find out what they are, understand the terminology and see some examples.

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