Analysis of Questionnaire/Survey Data, Oct 2023

Product code: Analysis of Survey Data online

Remote training online

October 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023

Virtual option available

Topics covered: Basics of Survey design, Stats Refresher, Chi-squared test, Correspondence Analysis, Analysis of Variance, Correlation, Regression, Clustering/Segmentation, Factor analysis (more details with dates at bottom)

Do you create consumer surveys or questionnaires yet feel lost or under-equipped in trying to make the most out of the data? Once you have collected data from hundreds, perhaps thousands of consumers – where do you begin in trying to draw meaningful conclusions, that can influence business decision making and deliver true insights? Do you feel somewhat anxious with the many statistical methods that you’ve heard about but don’t really understand how to apply them, or what differentiates one method from another?

If you feel like one of the above applies to you, don’t worry — you’re not alone! Perhaps the best place to start is to think about the question you’re trying to answer with your survey, i.e., what is your overall objective? Below are four scenarios that our common in our experience (or scroll down to see course content):

Scenario 1:

Exploratory survey looking to understand relationships between several variables (most likely of different types, for example some are qualitative or quantitative)
To analyse data in this scenario: You are likely to need cross tabulations including chi-square tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), correspondence analysis and even clustering methods.

Scenario 2:

I have liking or preference data and want to relate this data to demographic, usage and attitude and purchase data.
To analyse data in this scenario: You are likely to want to know about regression, factor analysis, and/or multiple correspondence analysis and clustering methods

Scenario 3:

I’m trying to measure a latent variable (e.g., complexity or satisfaction) through several survey items, and/or perhaps using a published questionnaire such as the Big 5 Personality Traits.
How do I analyse the data?
To analyse data in this scenario: You will need to know about factor analysis and clustering methods

Scenario 4:

I’m in the early stage of product development and want to survey consumers regarding their associations and expectations to a specified concept that we’ve developed (e.g., “fresh”, “raw” or “natural”). How do I develop a survey, how many respondents are required and how to analyse the data?
You will likely need to know about analysis of variance, regression and clustering methods, and analysing textual data


This comprehensive online course covers all of the above methods and more (see topic list below), enabling you to gain full insight into the methods you need to answer business questions. No matter what your survey is, there is a method to objectively combine the data using statistical methods.

Some of the analysis methods above also fall under the category of Machine Learning techniques.

After the initial pre-requisites session, the remote learning package consists of lectures delivered online together with workshops (some of them for you to complete  afterwards in your own time – solutions and data sets provided), plus a pdf of the lecture notes and email support whilst you are completing the workshop after the course for up to 2 weeks. More than just a lecture and as close to face-to-face training as it can be!

By the end of the course you will have practised several techniques with worked examples using the XLSTAT statistical software and have worked solutions to use, for when you repeat these analyses on your own as part of your day job.

Participants can choose to attend either any of the modules. If you only choose to attend later modules, it is expected you will have a good understanding of basic statistics including variability, statistical significance, ANOVA etc, and have experience of using XLSTAT. No previous experience of statistics or of using XLSTAT software is required if you attend all modules.




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Other course information

Part 1: Introduction and Basics
Session 1: Pre-recorded session available from 30th Sept – watch at your leisure

Survey Design Essentials

    1. Identify your key objectives
    2. Survey design top tips
    3. Survey representativeness
    4. Bias
    5. Sample size – do you have enough data?
    6. Data cleaning & pre-processing
    7. Dealing with Missing data

Session 2: Tues 3rd Oct, 2pm BST (GMT+1/UTC+1)

Simple summaries of the responses and looking for associations

    1. Data types
    2. Cross tabs and chi-square tests
    3. Correlation – and causation vs correlation
    4. Converting data into insight – Linking back to objectives & presenting technical information to non-technical people
Part 2: Making comparisons, looking for trends and patterns (across products, between groups, over time, etc.)
Session 3: Tuesday 10th Oct, 2pm BST (GMT+1/UTC+1)

Multivariate approaches – Correspondence analysis (CA), Visualizations and Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)

Session 4: Wednesday 18th Oct, 2pm BST (GMT+1/UTC+1)

Standard approaches 1 – Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Session 5: Tuesday 24th Oct, 2pm BST (GMT+1/UTC+1)

Standard approaches 2 – Linear Regression


Part 3 – Looking Deeper into Survey Analysis: Identifying and Quantifying Trends and Patterns
Session 6: Thursday 26th Oct, 2pm BST (GMT+1/UTC+1)

Machine Learning 1: Segmenting your data into groups of people that behave/answer similarly to identify key customer groups

  • AHC clustering
  • K-Means clustering
Session 7: Tuesday 31st Oct, 2pm (GMT/UTC)

Machine Learning 2: Measuring latent concepts and condensing my survey into themes

  • Factor analysis



The Analysis of Survey Data Course will be led by Gemma Hodgson and Joshua Brain.

Follow this link to be introduced to your trainers

Course Notes

  • Modular online course – you can attend as many modules as you like  – module 1 is free if any of the other modules are selected
  • Your own laptop is required with XLSTAT Installed (if you do not have XLSTAT already, you can download the trial for the course and then purchase afterwards if you want to buy it
  • Sessions are designed to be 1.5h in length, but please book 2 hours for the session in case of technical issues or extra time needed for questions/finishing exercises
  • Course materials will be sent in advance of each session, and include pdfs of slides, plus workshops and datasets

We offer a 10% discount on registrations when two or more people from the same company register for the same course at the same time. We also offer a 10% discount for members of academia – please choose the appropriate option when purchasing.

Registration Policy
Registration is not final until payment is received. Unpaid spaces will be opened to new registrants 30 days ahead of course.

Payment can be made in GBP, EUR or USD. Please choose the appropriate currency when you checkout.

Refund policy
Cancellation of registration can be made up to 14 days ahead, and return of payments, minus reasonable administrative expenses, will be made for these cancellations. Cancellations within 7 days of the course start will receive a credit for a future course. Registrants who fail to attend or cancel less than 7 days prior to the seminar start date are responsible for the entire fee. Substitution of another person for the same course may be made at any time as long as payment is made.

Course Cancellation
Qi Statistics Ltd retains the right to cancel the course 14 days before the start date if less than 4 delegates have registered by that date. Please contact us directly if you have any queries in this regard.