At Qi Statistics our emphasis is on how to choose and apply the correct methods and interpret the results rather than the underlying mathematics.
We can tailor a training programme to meet your exact needs (timing, length, format, software and topics) and also offer a range of public courses on-demand, online, or face-to-face worldwide, from basic statistics to masterclasses in specialised topics.
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Showing 113–128 of 131 results
Statistical analysis of consumer data – Module C3 – Visualising relationships between many variables using maps (PCA)
Statistical analysis of consumer data – Module C3 – Visualising relationships between many variables using maps (PCA) (On Demand)
Statistical analysis of consumer data – Module C4 – Who wants what? Clustering consumers using their product liking data
Statistical analysis of consumer data – Module C4 – Who wants what? Clustering consumers using their product liking data (On Demand)
Statistical analysis of consumer data – Module C5 – Improving/understanding your Cluster solution to make better decisions
Statistical analysis of consumer data – Module C6 – Who likes what? Demographic segmentation of product acceptability
Statistical analysis of consumer data – Module C7 – Analysing “Just About Right” (JAR) scales for product optimisation
Statistical analysis of consumer data – Module C8 – Using categorical variables to drive insights using correspondence analysis (CA) mapping
Statistical analysis of consumer data – Module C9 – Using “Check All That Apply” (CATA) scales to understand consumer product choices
Statistics for Consumer Research
Statistics for Sensory Analysis
Text VisualizeR
The How and Why of Discrimination and Sensory Claims Tests, UK
The Why and How of Discrimination Testing using EyeOpenR – 12 May 2022 @ 15:00 (GMT+1/BST)
The Why and How of Discrimination Testing using EyeOpenR – 17th January 2024 @ 14:00 (GMT)
Understanding Basic Statistics (Non-software based)