Use this page to download SenPAQ. If you have been given a licence key, then enter this key into the installed program to register your copy. Without a licence key, the software will function in 30 day demonstration mode, the mode is fully functional, however analysis is limited to the demo dataset.

The setup program will place a tutorial guide to SenPAQ and example data set called ‘apple texture data.xlsx’ in the installation directory (default location is normally C:\Program Files\SENPAQ). If you are new to SenPAQ then the tutorial will help you understand the program features and output. Once the software is installed, the SenPAQ tutorial is available from the program menu at the bottom left of the screen.

To download SenPAQ first complete the form. After you click to download, select the save button to save the zip file to your hard drive. From Windows Explorer right-click on the zip file and then choose “extract all” to unpack the executable file. Before starting the installation process, first make sure that you have administrator privileges on your computer, then double-click on the installer file to begin the installation.

SenPAQ download

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