Analysis of Consumer Data – Module C4 Who Wants What? Clustering Consumers Using Liking Data

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£200 Ex UK VAT
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This course is  available as a live online training or a pre-recorded on demand training session.

What this course will cover:

  • Aim of the statistics clustering methods – why do we need to do clustering?
  • Data pre-processing for analysis before we start.
  • Method 1: Agglomerative Hierarchical Classification (AHC) – how it works, which settings are best to use, deciding the number of clusters, when to use it
  • Method 2: K-MEANS – a method for larger data sets – how it works, settings, when to use it
  • Comparison of the methods – recommendations

Pre-requisite: familiarity with basic statistics Module C01 and C02 (available as pre-recorded on demand sessions on our website)

Software used: XLSTAT (free 14-day trial version is available from their website here)

This is just one module from the Statistical analysis of consumer data training course. For a full list of other course modules have a look at our website here: – also shown in the infographic at the end of the course.

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